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Helpline supports domestic abuse victims

Victims of domestic violence and abuse can access all available support services within the borough by dialling one number.

The single point of contact (SPOC) number is 01384 455411 and gives those who need help a direct line to a range of support services offered by providers.

The service was developed by Dudley’s community safety partnership, safe & sound and CHADD domestic abuse services in partnership with Black Country Women’s Aid.

The number is open to victim’s, families and professionals and helps people get to the right service as quickly and easily as possible as and when support is needed.

The single point of access is in line with Safelives Standards and West Midlands Domestic Violence and Abuse Standards.

Alan Lunt, strategic director for place with responsibility for community safety, said:

“The SPOC is central to accessing domestic abuse services in the borough. It gives better and easier access for victims and their families to the support available.

“By working with our partners and sharing resources, we can link people who need to access domestic violence and abuse services to the right organisations as quickly as possible.”

Raj Lagan, Black Country Women’s Aid, said:

“In working together we have been able to strengthen existing specialist services to support victims of abuse and their families.

“The single point of contact ensures seamless and robust referral pathways, leading to effective, safety-led intervention.”

Anna Gillespie, CHADD, said:

“The single point of contact is possible because of strong partnership working across the borough, it makes it easier for victims and their families to have one number that gives a pathway into all of our joint services.

“SPOC will provide early interventions, speedy response times, safety plans, safe accommodation and services to enable a person’s recovery, moving towards a life free from abuse”.

Domestic violence and abuse services can be accessed through the single point of contact on 01384 455411. Cases of domestic abuse can also be reported using the police non-emergency number 101 or in an emergency dial 999. People can also visit

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